Excavator with gear HYUNDAI ROBEX 145LCR-9A (SEE VIDEO)
Technische Spezifikationen
HYUNDAI ROBEX 145LCR-9A Excavator with gear
-Y.O.M: 2015
-4015 hours according to digital meter (drives during advertising)
-Analog meters out of order
-Power: 118 kW
-Weight: 15 905 kgs
-Laid up
-General service
-No leakage/backlash according to owner
-Central grease
-Refueling pump
-Shaft blade
-Backup camera
-AC (not tested)
-LED work lighting
-Rotating warning light
-FM Radio
-Tiltrotator: EC219
-S60 bracket
Gear included:
- Cable bucket
- Grading bucket
- VA bucket
Gear which can be purchased:
- Log grapple
- Digging bucket
-Width machine: 2600 mm
-Width caterpillar: 600 mm
For more pictures and video: Go to our website and search for 8344
Excavator with attachments HYUNDAI ROBEX 145LCR-9A is now for sale!
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