Constuction Elevator - Alimak Scando 650 II FC 30/50
-Number of people: 37
-Speed: 54m/min
-Delivered with 57 mast pieces
-Total 85 500 mm high
-Voltage attenuation: 400V
-Frequency: 54 Hz
-Energy consumption: 77kVA
-Starting current: 128A
-Recommended main circuit: 125A
-Measuring voltage in basket: 400V
-Engine power: 3x11 kW FC
Dimensions and weight:
-Load capacity: 3000 kgs
-Number of people: 37
-Speed: 54m/min
-Drive unit weight: 890 kgs
-Weight base unit: 3641 kgs
-Weight on mast section: 136 kgs
-Inner length: 5000 mm
-Inner basket width: 1500 mm
-Inner basket height: 2300 mm
-Cargo weight: 2690 kgs
Owner's comment:
-Delivered with 57 mast pieces
-Total 85500 mm high
-Delivered with 43 landing gates with net
-A lot of equipment included, call for more info
Alimak Scando 650 II FC 30/50 - Constuction Elevator is now for sale!
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