Chip Truck Scania R490 6X2
- Manufacture: Scania
- Model: R490LB6X2MNB
- Y.O.M: 2015
- Maximum mileage: 868 432 km
- Last inspected: 2025-06-30
- Gearbox: Automatic
- Suspension: Air/Air
- Power: 360kw
- Environmental class: Euro 6
- Tires (see pictures)
- AC
- Diesel heater
- Ceiling with extra light
- Slirej sand boxes
- Stainless storage box
- Reverse camera
- Reverse lights
- Load indicator
- Rolled cover
- New batteries
Dimensions and weights
- Lenght: 9950 mm
- Width: 2600 mm
- Cargo space length: 7000 mm
- Total weight: 28 000 kgs
- Tax weight: 28 000 kgs
- Net weight: 12 445 kgs
- Max load weight: 15 555 kgs
- Total load weight: 15 555 kgs
Axle distance
- Max axle distance axle 1-2: 4700 mm
- Max axle distance axle 2-3: 1350 mm
- Manufacture: Parator
- Model: ST 18-20
- Y.O.M: 2012
- Last inspected: 2025-09-30
- Suspension: Air/Air
- Tires (see pictures)
- Reverse light
- Stainless storage box
- Rolled cover
Dimensions and weights
- Lenght: 14 640 mm
- Width: 2600 mm
- Height: 4200 mm
- Total weight: 38 000kgs
- Tax weight: 38 000kgs
- Operating weight: 9300kgs
- Max load weight: 28 700kgs
- Total load weight: 28 700kgs
Axle distance
- Max axle distance axle 1-2: 1300 mm
- Max axle distance axle 2-3: 7420 mm
- Max axle distance axle 3-4: 1820 mm
To see all the pictures, go to our website and call reference number: 8675
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