Chip trailer Lipe PPV-KP-HS-HP for sale!
- Y.O.M: 2012
- Inspected until 2025-09-30
- General service
- In traffic
- First axle liftable
- Fourth axle co-steering
- Box with side tip at left side
- Hydraulically openable side (left side)
- Hydraulic canopy roof
- Openable rear doors
- Tires (see pictures)
Dimensions and weight:
- Lenght: 13 850 mm
- Width: 2550 mm
- Height: 4200 mm
- Operating weight: 9200 kgs
- Max load weight: 35 800 kgs
- Total weight: 45 000 kgs
- Original gross weight: 45 000 kgs
- Tax weight: 24 000 kgs
- Cargo space length: 13 400 mm
- Number of axles: 3 pcs
- Wheelbase: 1360/1820 mm
To see all the pictures, go to our website and search ref no: 8654
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